Tribute by Bhaskar Menon
Created by Cindy, Grandaughter 10 years ago
Dear Cindy:
Please accept my most grateful thanks for inviting me to visit John Palladino's Tribute Webside. I am deeply saddened at John's passing, and send you and his family heartfelt condolences and sympathies from my wife Sumi and myself at his loss. We share in your grief in full measure and hope that the end came without undue pain or suffering.
Besides the enormous privilege of being a long standing colleague of his, I am especially fortunate to have received from John a measure of huge personal enrichment which is difficult to describe other than by referring to his God Given gifts of kindness, love, humility, and the Magic of his simple generosity. In extending these gifts in abundance to those whose lives he touched, John's caring for others was nothing short of a passion that they should live as he did with an endless capacity for kindness and love.
Many years before I came to work for Capitol, I went to him in the Tower with Ravi Shankar whose albums I was then producing in London and in India. Ravi and I never ever forgot the dynamism of John Palladino's passion for Music and his charitable, admiring love and sympathy for those who made Music. As a lifetime's Music company executive, I was fortunate to study and observe John Palladino as the ultimate ideal A & R personality, and all of us who worked in the great Capitol Records that once was, owe my friend John P, an enormous debt of gratitude for setting such high standards of creative professionalism in the legends of our Company.
Warm regards to his family, and may the Great and Loving John Paladino, R.I.P
Yours sincerely,
Bhaskar Menon